Sunday, 2 September 2012

OOTD and Cute Hair Accessories

Hey Guys

I have been reasonably busy with school recently, so sorry I haven't posted,
Yesterday I was asked to do the face painting at my local village's fete,
I have done face painting before a few times at big events and have always done pretty well.
Unfortunately there wasn't many young people at the fete so I think I painted about 5 peoples face :(
So to cheer myself up, I stopped off at a small local shop called "home-made home"
It is extremely small, but it soo sweet inside. I should have taken some pictures but I am not sure the shop owner would have liked it. It is full of home-made items for the home as well as some furniture and jewellery and accessories. Everything was florally and feminine, I loved there floral bunting which reminded me of the brand "Kath Kidson"
Anyway I got  some very cute hair bows, when I handed it to the shopping assistant she was like
"Buying this for your little sister?"
I was like
"Ermmm no just for me"
"Oh ok then (puzzled expression)
I actually think these hair bows are meant for babies and toddlers, but oh well ^--^

Here is Yesterday OOTD, me and my friends went to the Beach in the evening and  got Noodles and generally walked about! It was surprisingly fun, seeing as we basically did nothing hahaha :)

Cape and Shorts from New Look
Thigh Highs' Primark

I also thought I would take some pictures of my growing collection of Hair accessories, this isn't all of them, but I would have to dig into the depths of time that is my drawers to find the others :)

Flower accessories

Mixed accesories

My New Nautical themed accessories

Thanks for reading