Hmmmm I kind of wanted to do a post about Gyaru to me, if you know what I mean.
I think I started liking Gyaru around 6 months ago, maybe less.
I was just reading some blogs and suddenly a saw this really unique style and immaculate make up and I was like WOW.
I had wanted to go to Japan for other reasons apart from fashion and shopping, but this thing opened me up to the wonders of Japanese make up and fashion and I am glad.
I think I was just a bit sick of looking through fashion magazines here and hating practically all the styles I saw. Although I do like some British styles, some of the clothes I see in magazines that are supposed to be "fashionable" look awful. Pretty much every Gyaru magazine I have looked in has amazing clothes and amazing make up. That's another thing, Gyaru make up is AMAZING!! It is so much more polished and extravagant ( not right word but you get my gist) then a lot of British styles. I love Japanese models like popteen because they have amazing step by step guides on makeup. If you look at a lot of British makeup magazines the beauty section is small and full of totally unwearable looks. I don't want blusher in fushia colours up to my temples or pink spray die down my face! I want simple step by step instructions on how best to apply your base makeup and eye makeup. OK I am over exaggerating, there are some British fashion magazines that I like, and some make up styles that I like, I am just saying I like many Japanese styles more.
Gyaru to me is a way of being unique, although I am a shy person I like to think that sometimes I am noticed. OK not everyone is going to like the make up and clothes, but that is there choice and it doesn't put me off the style at all.
I don't think I would qualify myself as a full Gyaru yet, because I need to develop my makeup skills, buy some more clothe and Japanese makeup and do some research in Japanese magazines. But I hope to one day be a full on Gyaru!!.
Just as a side note I wanted to talk about Circle Lenses.
To many circle lenses are a stable object when becoming a Gyaru.
To me there is a problem, you may have noticed that in some pictures on one of my eyes is a permanent red patch that I have had for a a few years. I have no idea where it came from but it has never gone away. The optician was baffled and all that he could think of was that it was a thickening of the skin around the outer corner of my eye where a blood vessel had grew.
I am very apprehensive of trying circle lens because it restricts the oxygen getting to your eye and I am afraid that if I try them they will make the red patch grow or become painful.
Over time it might fade and I will be able to try them but until then that is the reason I never wear them in any pictures.
Ending this blog with two vain photots of myself ^--^