Friday, 10 August 2012

Foreign Ulzzang

This has been a topic that has been bugging me for a while
Can "foreign" people ( non-Korean people) be Ullzang.
A lot of people have been saying that no, foreign people cannot be Ulzzang, this is the reason...
The original Ullzang were Korean people who uploaded pictures to websites such as Cyworld and became famous or recognized because of there cuteness/handsomeness/beauty.
Because Cyworld is available only to Korean people, it is often thought that only people with access to Korean sites like these can become Ullzang.

This may have been true a few years ago but since then, it is my opinion that Ullzang has developed form a status to a style.
You get Ullzang make up tutorial, cosmetics, wigs, clothes etc..
People from all over the world have seen and adored this fashion and are trying to replicate it. I think Ulzzang has moved on from Cyworld into a fashion/style, and why should people not be allowed to wear a fashion/style because of there ethnicity.
Take Gyaru as an example, think about how many Gaijin Gyaru's there are out there, so many in fact that they are producing there own magazine-Gal VIP. I respect that a lot, they are being unique and confident in there style, and why shouldn't they??

To conclude it is in my opinion (I mean no harm to anyone in writing this post, I just want to share my opinion) that Ullzang has evolved from a status to a style, and why should anybody be restricted from wearing a fashion/style they admire, and love!

OK enough with the rant, tomorrow hopefully I will be putting up a review of Collection 2000's new lip tint!! I have really enjoyed this product so far, more on that tomorrow.
I also want to get on with my first make up tutorial, I think I might replicate Go Hye Mi's Dream Hi style, but I have to wait, my Dad has decided to lend me is amazing semi-professional Bridge Camera, I am so excited to try it out!!!!

Thank you for reading

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